These are churches located in an around Newville, Alabama.
First Baptist Church*
Lodge St.
Newville Baptist Church
Co. Rd. 7, one block from Co. HWY 173, one block from town. 1876, a group of Baptist met under a bush arbor. 1881, a log building was constructed about five hundred yards from the present church. The building was called Center and it served as the church and school. 1891, a two-story plank structure was built where the church stands today. The upper story was Grange Hall. The first floor was Center Church and the school. 1913, it was decided to build a new church. It was a wood structure on a brick foundation. By 1924, a new Church was built of Brick. That building stands today and has been modernized and additions added. 889-4458
Newville Methodist Church
The Newville Methodist Church was on Co. Rd. 12 in the town of Newville. It was established before 1910 and was the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in 1939, it was the United Methodist Church, and in 1968, the United Methodist Church. The church was abandoned in 1975. In 1976, the building was moved near the Choctawhatchee River on the Echo Road, Co. Rd. 7.
Sweet Home Baptist Church
The deed to Sweet Home Baptist Church is recorded in the Henry County Court House, Deed Book 24, page 37. There is little known about this church. The deed to the property was recorded January 1917. This must have been about the time that the church found itself in financial despair. A notice to sell was posted January 25, 1917, and again on February 3, 1917. It was advertised in the February “Southeast Alabamian”. On February 19, 1917, the church sold at public auction on the courthouse steps by Sheriff Hardwick to the highest bidder who was J. C. Kirkland. The reason for the sale was a judgment rendered by the Justice of the Peace Court at Newville in Beat 7 in favor of J. C. Kirkland. The only legal description was “One frame building known as Sweet Home Baptist Church on a half acre lot located in the town of Newville”. The church owed J. C. Kirkland money ($41.05).