Headland’s Original Land Patentees

Henry County SiftingsBy: T. Larry SmithHenry County’s Official Historian Courtesy: Abbeville Herald, May 7, 2020 The attached image depicts Headland, Alabama’s first land owners to patent their land receiving the very ·first official land deed from the U.S.  Government land patent office for south Alabama.  These were the first people to receive the first official deeds to land located…

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2019 HCHG Banquet

2019 08 03 hchg banquet 04

Dr. Alex Colvin of the Alabama Department of Archives and History presented a program on “From Creek County to Henry County” during the 17th annual meeting of the Henry County Historical Group held Saturday night.  Dr. Colvin told those present that Henry County was formed in the edge of Creek Country and Henry County was designated by the Alabama…

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Haleburg Reunion – 200th Birthday of Jonathan Hales

200th birthday johnthan hales

Haleburg will be hosting Haleburg Reunion: 200th Birthday of Jonathan Hales in conjunction with the Bicentennials of Henry County and Alabama. The event will be held on June 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Haleburg Senior Citizen Center. We are looking for descendants of Jonathan & Rebecca Autry Hales but we want all those who have called Haleburg home…

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2018 HCHG Annual Meeting with Speaker Governor Kay Ivey

2018 08 04 hchg annual meeting

  The Henry County Historical Group held it’s 2018 Annual Meeting at the Great Southern Conference Center on August 4, 2018 with over 200 in attendance!  Our main speaker was Governor Kay Ivey.  Governor Ivey was introduced by Jimmy Rane, founder and CEO of Great Southern Wood Preserving, and long-time friend of Governor Ivey.  Both of them attended Auburn University…

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The First Baptist Church of Headland Celebrates It’s 150th Anniversary

First Baptist Church Headland

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of The First Baptist Church, Headland, Alabama in 1867. This milestone is being celebrated during the entire year of 2017. A special historical emphasis is being presented each month during the morning worship service. A major recognition of the anniversary is scheduled for Sunday, April 23rd. This special Sunday service…

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Surname Researcher: Ann Skipper Boykin

Names: SKIPPER, James M; SKIPPER, Anna Jane “Craddock”; CRADDOCK, William; LUCAS, William


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This section provides various articles on areas of interest for researches as well as an online list of people actively doing research on various family names.

Be aware that HCHG is a volunteer organization and we do not maintain a research staff.  Please do not send a request for research on any subject or person to HCHG other than submitting your name, email address and family names to be added to the Surname Research List.

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